Aesthetic PPT #4 Free Template + Font

Описание к видео Aesthetic PPT #4 Free Template + Font

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb
Hi chingu! Welcome back to my Channel ✨ Hope you like it and happy watching 💙🤍

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
The templates are for free so please don't re-upload my video and the template to other social media without my consent and claim it as yours.
The PowerPoint Template just for personal use, not for commercial use.
Don't put the password in the comment! If do that, you'll be hidden from this channel.
⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️
Template ini Gratis, mohon untuk tidak mengupload ulang video dan template ke media sosial lain tanpa persetujuan saya dan mengklaimnya sebagai milik Anda.
Template hanya untuk penggunaan pribadi, bukan untuk dikomersialkan.
Jangan mencantumkan password di kolom Komentar! Jika melakukannya, Anda akan disembunyikan dari channel ini.

❓Questions/Suggestions? Comment below/DM👇🏻
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🔓 How to remove password
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🔗 Have you downloaded another free template? Check out this playlist👇🏻
   • [FREE] PowerPoint Template  
✏️ Font used
Boogie boys
🎶 Music: Seungmin (Stray Kids) - Hold on (Piano cover by Hanppyeompianotutorial)

Thank you!
#aesthetic #template #school


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