Our Future As A Couple | Where Do We Go From Here

Описание к видео Our Future As A Couple | Where Do We Go From Here

Being Realistic About Our Future As A Couple | Where Do We Go From Here & How Do We Get There | Sanne Vloet

Hi Guys!

Do you guys remember our very first relationship tag video? It was the first time Max really came onto the channel and we were able to share our story with you guys about how we had met, the juicy details of our really BAD first kiss, and the qualities that we both admired in each other. How about when we had our friend Kristina from The Batchelor with us in Istanbul, we did a two year relationship update, answered questions, talked about sex, and after i published it I remember getting a call from my dad… that call was really AWKWARD! On the channel I’ve always tried to open up and share things that in the past I never would have, it’s part of my growth, and to be honest I’ve grown more in these past two years than the four years before I started creating videos on Youtube! I wonder why?

So you guys might be wondering what this video is really about and it’s about my future, well our future, what we have planned for ourselves and our relationship. Before I met Max I was planning on moving back home to Holland to be closer to my family, I always imagined I’d meet a nice Dutch guy, fall in love, and eventually go back to school in Amsterdam… BUT life has a funny way of surprising you when you least expect it. Have any of you girls found yourself in a similar situation, falling for someone you never expected to fall for? If so, how did you meet, and how quickly did you know you were in love?

So I’ve started reaching out to the giveaway winners, I still have another 300 comments to read, so I hope to finish them by Christmas Eve. I’ll ship it all out to you guys right around New Years! Also, I’ll be letting the first 20 people who read my description all the way through on my Nagano vlog and commented your choice of Christmas presents know where to meet me on the 30th of December in Brooklyn. I’m going to be inviting all of you over if you’re in NYC and we can have Matcha together while I finish packing up the last things in my apartment, so please keep checking the description for updates. Does that sound like fun?

So since this video is about goals, relationships, and the future I want you to tell me what 2020 has in store for you! What are your plans, where do you hope to visit, and is there anything you hope to accomplish? I also decided to do a fun little treasure hunt with all of you who want my number! I’m going to start using the new number to talk to you guys, but I’m going to make a little challenge out of it once the SIM card arrives hopefully before Christmas.

I have one wish for Christmas, I want you guys to invite your friends to join our community, people who you think might fit well into our little community of wellness minded individuals, people that might find inspiration and people who might inspire us all. Invite everyone you can and let’s continue spreading love, positivity, and pursuit of wellness with everyone we love! I hope you are all subscribed and I hope you guys are starting to enjoy Max joining me on the channel. It’s taken a long time, but I’ve finally convinced him to share himself a little more with you guys here!

So give this video a big THUMBS UP, comment your favorite Christmas song, and get ready for the last Christmas of the decade!



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Instagram: @sannevloet (https://bit.ly/2vlnHLy)
Twitter: @sannevloet (https://bit.ly/2OKggYH)
Subscribe!!! https://bit.ly/2KzihS5


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