Thailand: How online violence and Pegasus spyware is used to silence women, girls and LGBTI people

Описание к видео Thailand: How online violence and Pegasus spyware is used to silence women, girls and LGBTI people

Women, girls and LGBTI activists rely on the online space to come together, organize, and resist ✊✊🏽✊🏿

But this comes at a price.

In Thailand, activists have faced digital violence just for speaking up, and being themselves. Three Human Rights Defenders, Anchana Heemmina, Niraphorn Onnkhaow and Manun Wongmasoh share their experiences of abuse they’ve faced, as a means to silence them.

It doesn’t have to be this way. We're calling on governments to #ProtectTheProtest online for women, girls and LGBTI people.


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