The 7 Demon Lords Who Command the 7 Deadly Sins

Описание к видео The 7 Demon Lords Who Command the 7 Deadly Sins

Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained. In today’s video, we’re going to discuss the seven deadly sins and the seven deadly demons who represent the seven deadly sins.

We’re going to begin by looking at how the modern conceptualization of the seven deadly sins was created; then we’re going to dive into what exactly the seven deadly sins are; and finally, we’re going to look at the seven deadly demons who represent the seven deadly sins.

Let’s get into it.

The modern conceptualization of the Seven Deadly Sins, also known as Capital Vices or Cardinal Sins, emerged from early Christian monastic traditions in Egypt, which were significantly influenced by Neoplatonist teachings from the School of Alexandria, which was located in the city of Alexandria and was founded in the 3rd century BC. These sins represent the most objectionable vices in Christian moral teachings and are considered particularly harmful, as they lead to other immoral behaviors, hindering spiritual growth and righteousness.

To understand the development of the Seven Deadly Sins, it is essential to recognize the gradual process involving various theologians and thinkers who aimed to identify and classify human failings and vices that obstruct spiritual growth.

The Seven Deadly Sins are considered so odious and ruinous because they represent fundamental moral weaknesses and negative character traits that spawn immoral behavior, harm to oneself or others, and spiritual degradation. These sins are believed to be particularly destructive because they give rise to other vices and harmful actions. Additionally, they are considered obstacles to spiritual growth and the development of virtues, which are essential for living a morally upright life. By identifying and avoiding these sins, individuals are thought to be better able to cultivate virtues and live in harmony with themselves, others, and their spiritual beliefs.

Watch the video for the rest!


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