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Biblio :
Ownby RL, Crocco E, Acevedo A, John V, Loewenstein D. Depression and Risk for Alzheimer Disease: Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Metaregression Analysis. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2006;63(5):530–538. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.63.5.530

Moncrieff, J., Cooper, R.E., Stockmann, T. et al. The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence. Mol Psychiatry (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-022-01...

Kirsch, I., Deacon, B. J., Huedo-Medina, T. B., Scoboria, A., Moore, T. J., & Johnson, B. T. (2008). Initial severity and antidepressant benefits: a meta-analysis of data submitted to the Food and Drug Administration. _PLoS medicine_, _5_(2), e45.

Onaolapo AY, Onaolapo OJ. Glutamate and depression: Reflecting a deepening knowledge of the gut and brain effects of a ubiquitous molecule. World J Psychiatry. 2021 Jul 19;11(7):297-315. doi: 10.5498/wjp.v11.i7.297. PMID: 34327123; PMCID: PMC8311508.

Bullmore, E. (2018). _The inflamed mind: a radical new approach to depression_. Picador.

Smith, C. B., Rosenström, T., & Hagen, E. H. (2022). Strength is negatively associated with depression and accounts for some of the sex difference: A replication and extension. _Evolution, medicine, and public health_, _10_(1), 130-141.


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