Rock Band Vocals FCs: Dream Genie

Описание к видео Rock Band Vocals FCs: Dream Genie

Artist: Lightning Bolt
Album: Fantasy Empire
Year: 2015
Source: Rock Band 4

Ah yes, the infamous 'Dream Genie', the slayer of drummer mains' '1000' skill level and the destroyer of music palettes everywhere. Look, I'll be upfront about it, noise rock isn't my bag. I understand why some people like it, but to me it sounds like the kind of thing a school shooter might listen to in order to gee themselves up before showtime.

This song perhaps is the greatest illustration of the absolute gulf in skill required for instruments vs. vocals. I've always been a firm believer that vox is far and away the least impressive, easiest role to do. And yet, according to the game's difficulty tiering, the vox chart is rated 'Impossible' alongside the instruments! It's pretty laughable. You can't sit there and tell me with a straight face that an FC of this on vox is even in the same multiverse as an FC on drums. I have seriously so much respect for drummers who have grinded this song enough to get the FC, it's super super impressive to do so, musically.

As far as the vox chart itself, I can only assume the difficulty rating is due to the admittedly atonal notes that you are still asked to hit. But it's really not that hard, and on top of that, half the chart is just the odd talkie here and there. There is one end squeeze on the last activation, but it's not too bad with enough vibrato.


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