Mega Man X Longplay (SNES) [QHD]

Описание к видео Mega Man X Longplay (SNES) [QHD]

Game Info
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Year of Release: 1993

Game Review & Impressions
One of Capcom's best-loved franchises made the leap to 16-bit in 1993 with the release of Mega Man X for the SNES. The game stars X, a more advanced successor to the original Mega Man, who must hunt down a series of rogue Reploids, powerful mechanical beings with special powers, which now threaten humankind.

The game sticks rigidly to the tried-and-tested formula of its forebears. X must first fight through each of the game's stages to acquire new weapons/power-ups, then play through them again using said abilities to defeat various bosses which would have previously been nigh-on-impossible without, unlocking progress toward the game's final climax. It's a variation of the "Metroidvania" school of design synonymous with the series, which works well enough.

Of course, with the transition to 16-bit comes vastly superior graphics and sound. To say that the visuals are a big step up from the NES titles in the series is an understatement, and while I wouldn't go as far to describe them as best-in-class, the overall aesthetic, coupled with top-notch animation, gives the game a genuinely cartoon/anime vibe. The later ports of the game to the PlayStation and PC are a further step-up, but as far as the SNES is concerned, it's pretty cool.

On the subject of fun, which is the whole point of video games, I think series veterans already invested in the franchise will probably enjoy this more than neophytes, such as myself. That's not to say newcomers won't get enjoyment from this, just that I think you'll get more out of this if you've played at least a few of its 8-bit predecessors.



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