Staxis from MindWare

Описание к видео Staxis from MindWare

Staxis is a skill-and-action balance game where players place sticks on top of the structure without knocking off any sticks or causing the base to topple over. For full review and shopping info ►

Product Info:
Staxis is a skill-and-action balance game where players place sticks on top of the structure without knocking off any sticks or causing the base to topple over. The game comes with 50 long wooden sticks, a Staxis sphere, three legs, four notched sticks, and a die. Assemble the base structure as shown in the instructions. Then divide the remaining sticks equally between the players. The game is for two to six players, and if the sticks don't divide equally, set any remaining sticks aside.

Each player will always add one stick per turn. The die will tell you how to place your stick. If you roll one red square, you must balance a stick on only one point. If you roll two red squares, you must balance a stick on two points. If any sticks fall off on your turn, they get added to your stick collection.

There are two ways to win. The first person to place all of his or her sticks wins. But if at any time you topple the base or knock off all the sticks on your turn, the last player who successfully placed a stick wins.


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