Fully loaded Majestic Maersk departs the Port of Felixstowe for Malaysia 5th August 2017

Описание к видео Fully loaded Majestic Maersk departs the Port of Felixstowe for Malaysia 5th August 2017

The Majestic Maersk departs Felixstowe with the help of Svitzer Kent and Svitzer Sky. The 399 metre ship had been around Europe before calling at Felixstowe to load up with the UK exports and fresh air (empties) for the Far East to be refilled and head back through the cycle again and again.

After her 2 days in Felixstowe she was almost fully loaded and ready to depart.

As the tide rose, the pilot boarded from the shore side. Once on the bridge he goes over the plan for departure with the captian and then radios Harwich VTS and orders the 2 tugs for departure. The Svitzer Kent and Svitzer Sky switches onto channel 12 and so does the pilot. The Kent takes the centre lead aft while the Sky takes the centre lead forward. As the lines were slackened both tugs were in position to pull the Majestic off the berth. A problem with a one of the spring winch delayed the departure for a few minutes. Electrician working to solve the issue manages to reset it and and the last of the lines were bought back onboard.

The pilot comes on radio and gets the Kent to pull straight off at 50% with the Sky following a few seconds later. Slowly edging away from the berth the pilot comes on the radio again and increases both tugs to full power. The pilot gives a kick ahead on the port engine to help with the departure. The Kent reduces power to help the Sky bring out the bow into the channel. As the pilot comes ahead on both engines he gets the kent to drop in astern and then gets Sky to pull full ahead to help pick up some knots. After a few minutes the Sky is released and repositions on the port quarter just incase the Majestic needs a little more help around the corner.

As the Majestic Maersk approaches the Fort Buoy the pilot gets the Kent to go out on the starboard side for a powered indirect around the 90deg Beach End turn out of the harbour. Kent increasing power the to help the stern turn. The pilot asks the Kent if the speed is ok, the Kent replies it was perfect also asked if she was turning ok, the pilot replies that she was turning nicely and was about to turn hard to port.

Safely around the Beach End the pilot releases the Sky and gets the Kent to close up to let go. The Majestic follows the main channel to the Sunk where the pilot disembarks onto a pilot launch and on to the next job of the Thalassa Pistis inbound for Felixstowe Berth 7. Majestic then heads south towards the Suez canal for Malaysia.


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