THE VEGGIE GARDEN: Harvesting a bucketload of organic goodness in five minutes

Описание к видео THE VEGGIE GARDEN: Harvesting a bucketload of organic goodness in five minutes

If you feel warm n fuzzy from watching one of my videos please engage :-)

The simple things in life are often the best…like a handful of organic carrots or pulling up the biggest beetroot you have EVER SEEN! I really only want to share my enthusiasm to inspire YOU to get YOUR hands dirty!

I`m enjoying this new series of Weedy`s Garden Walkabout where I am just wandering around the garden from top to bottom sharing all I have learnt these last four seasons…Inspired by my lessons in Permaculture. I hope you enjoy it too. Plenty of tips and tricks and funny little moments.

Heads up for those who are not yet aware of how this all works… If you do watch one of these videos I work hard on to produce, then just by hitting the like button, commenting or sharing it REALLY does help get my work seen by more.

Did you know that if you press the like button under this video, YouTube will show it to 10 more people. By commenting, YouTube will show it to 100 more people. And if you share it…there is that potential that 100`s of thousands of people will see it. That`s what we want right?

So next time you feel warm n fuzzy from one of my videos please engage :-)

Love and photon particles


You can also help grow my channel and receive something back yourself by visiting The Weedy Garden Website via the links below:

Heirloom Seeds within Australia:

The Flow Hive:

Stay at The Weedy Garden in the Cottage:

Watch The Weedy Garden Movie:

Mrs Weedy`s Handmade Crystal Jewellery:

The Weedy Garden Pants:

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Buy David Trood’s Photography Book:

Quality Garden Supplies:

Mushroom Growing:

Off Grid Solar Power Units for campers and emergencies:

Hemp Oils and Creams:

Medicinal Herb Teas and Tinctures:

Automatic Chicken Coop Door:

Solar Powered Electric Fence Units:

Study Permaculture with my Teacher Geoff Lawton:

David’s Photo Library at Getty Images:


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