How To Upload Your App To Google Play

Описание к видео How To Upload Your App To Google Play

DISCLAIMER: Make sure you review any and all Google Play policies while uploading to the Google Play store, I am not responsible for any issues or violations you encounter when uploading your application. Follow all of Google Play's policies and laws when uploading your application.

In this series, I will cover the basics of how to use Appgyver to create a basic social media or sharing app. This video covers how to upload our Appgyver APK file to Google Play.

This series walks through creating an app for free using Appgyver for the mobile application and Firebase to handle the database storage and user authentication for the log in page. Again the log in page does not require users to authenticate their emails to log in or share information, check out the resource below to learn more about securing endpoints and working with Firebase security rules.

Link to the Udemy Appgyver class I mentioned in the previous video (a course I am not affiliated with, but this is a great resource):

This series does have the following limitations:
1. Users will not be required to authenticate their email addresses, so anyone can sign up with any email, even if it's not valid or if it isn't their own email (the password will be required to be correct still).
2. There is no file sharing element, users will be able to share URLs to images which the app will render, but there will be no file sharing functionality.
3 . The database we will set up will not have any security or security rules, meaning anyone can post, edit, alter, or delete the content in the database.


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