[Touhou 6] U.N. Owen Was Her? (Recreation)

Описание к видео [Touhou 6] U.N. Owen Was Her? (Recreation)

Finally, arriving in the last room. we encounter Flandre Scarlet, the most popular character of all time in the Touhou series, and she's now ready to play with us. Along with her recreation theme playing in a gramophone.

In a recent news, Flandre Scarlet took the top 1 spot in the Touhou 18th Popularity Poll, so this recreation is made as a way to congratulate the vampire.

As someone who wondered and question the aspect of this theme and how it got its attention, the composition itself is very unusual. It has a huge contrast when comparing it with Remilia's theme which is bizarre. Although, knowing about Flandre's character background. it makes sense.

This theme is embodied with loneliness and insanity within the human understanding. Isolated as she was, the theme captures that illusion where we think that the notes sound off to the beat (but in reality, it's still in the beat). Quite an interesting harmony it has, but not crazy the key change is (there is no actual key change in this track, it just goes back and forth which doesn't count as actual key modulation). If this theme is popular due to its quirky nature, It can be said that most arrangements have such emphasis to its eccentric vibe.

Talking about recreating this theme, like most other EoSD themes that were recreated, the mix has its clarity and removed chorus effect on all instruments. but coincidentally, it sounded as nearly perfect as it would sound like in the original (minus the mixing difference). the clarity of the mix meant that the subtle sounds from the original are now shown in this recreation mix. and most of these subtle instruments make this theme sound more interesting (often than not).

Overall, this theme carried a huge role to the community. with the character's popularity as well as the impact that was caused outside Touhou, It did mean something to it....

Illustrator(s): 海源

Background Art(s):

Audio Visualiser used: Polar from ZGameEditor Visualizer

東方Project © 上海アリス幻樂団


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