How To Set Up Your Business Email and Aliases with Google Workspace (Travel Lifestyle Course)

Описание к видео How To Set Up Your Business Email and Aliases with Google Workspace (Travel Lifestyle Course) Get your free trial of Kajabi to follow along with this free course. In this lesson, I'm going to show you how to set up your business email and alias emails using Google Workspace. A business email is an email at your domain name. For example, my business email is at So [email protected] is an example of my business email. You only need one business email account because you can set up email aliases. Email aliases allow you to have multiple emails all sending to the same inbox. In the last lesson, you purchased your domain name, so you're already set to get your business email set up for that domain name. You'll also need a business email address to do email marketing, which I'll go over in a future lesson.

14-Day Free Trial of Google Workspace:

Note: I am a partner with Kajabi and Google Workspace and will make a commission if you decide to become a customer after the FREE Trial. This doesn't cost you anything extra and actually gives you a free trial. I personally use Kajabi and Google Workspace and highly recommend both. Kajabi did NOT pay me for this review and demo of their platform. Google Workspace did not pay me for this review and demo of their platform.


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