Challenging the strong in Battle Rally (Battle Facility Foe Upgrade, 9,500 pts) [Pokemon Masters EX]

Описание к видео Challenging the strong in Battle Rally (Battle Facility Foe Upgrade, 9,500 pts) [Pokemon Masters EX]

0:00 - Free upgrade + Pattern

I guess Battle Facility Foe is a better upgrade than Elite Four? I have a lot more units with the theme skill, although I am missing some crucial ones (Argenta and Dahlia). If the upgrade wasn't difficult enough though, I got a Sprint-heavy pattern this week. Incredible.

0:11 - Sprint + Support vs. Psychic-weak Bruno - EX Lodge Wally / EX Sabrina / Support Slowpoke

Sprint + Support on Area 1 only has one possible pattern, and it does repeat later on, so I chose to save my Support + Sprint units later for the potential lucky stage. Battle Facility Foe may not be a fun upgrade to work with but it does mean that two of Wally's units can give the boost so yay.

2:09 - Sprint + Field vs. Water-weak Malva - EX Mix Red / EX Volo / Archer

I only have one unit that would give a bonus for this combo and has the Battle Facility Foe theme skill, and since Sprint + Field happens again later I'm saving him for that. Water-weak Malva is not an easy stage but I'm just glad this is Area 2.

4:23 - Crit Power purchase

First time I've ever actually seen this in the shop. While I was hoping for an easier theme skill to work with, I bought this anyway as a safety net. Turns out I really appreciated the boost since it's the only purchase I made for this rotation.

4:38 - Sprint + Strike vs. Acerola BC - EX-R SS Gladion / Noland / EX Guzma

This is the Battle Challenge for NC Serena and NC Calem. The Sprint + Strike combo repeats later on but I wanted to split SS Gladion and NC Silver to make the latter's team more flexible for Area 9. Guzma provided the master passive boost while Noland provided the upgrade boost.

6:17 - Support + Tech vs. Ground-weak Koga - EX-R SS Silver / EX-R NC Calem / EX-R Tierno

Have four units with this combo now, so I went with this three so I can save NC Serena for Area 10. (Ended up not using her but it was nice to have the option.)

8:12 - Sprint + Support vs. Poison-weak Will - EX-R Paulo / EX-R NC Rosa / EX Ingo

I ran this exact same team last week lol. This is a much easier stage than what they had to battle last week though.

10:46 - Sprint + Field vs. Piers BC - EX Nemona / EX-R Variety Thorton / EX-R NC Rosa

This is the Battle Challenge for NY Dawn and NY Lisia, and it's annoying AF coz it has quite a lot of restrictions to cater to both of them. Thankfully it doesn't have Resilience so I could rely on Rosa's sleep spam.

13:25 - Field + Strike vs. Water-weak Shauntal - EX-R Geeta / EX-R Mix Blue / EX-R Akari

So lucky that this stage is one of the weaker ones so I can make do without the upgrade bonus. I should really get a fourth Strike+Field unit soon so I don't have to try to synergize these three haha

15:42 - Sprint + Tech vs. Ace Trainer BC - EX-R SS Wally / EX-R Classic Elesa / Darach

This is the Battle Challenge for SC Shauna and SC Steven, and it's very annoying. Thankfully SS Wally has rebuffs to account for Acute Senses and accuracy buffs to fish for misses, with Classic Elesa and Darach providing reliable debuffs.

19:01 - Sprint + Strike vs. Flying-weak Sidney - EX-R NC Silver / EX Wally / EX-R NC Blue

Triple rival team my beloved. Pretty straightforward, with Wally even giving the upgrade boost. I resetted for a TM MPR on Silver in case I needed him for the next stage.

21:26 - Sprint + Tech vs. Lucy (Hard) - EX-R SST Red / EX BT Leon / EX-R SS Hau

The VH stage was Thorton, and since I didn't have a proper tank left I didn't bother and just went with the Hard stage lol. Probably the first instance where the footage for Area 10 was shorter than previous areas.

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