Rokurokubi ~ Meathouse

Описание к видео Rokurokubi ~ Meathouse

Rokurokubi ~ Meathouse

Song written by Rose Io

Found footage fan video by @mitch_meseke_collage (footage:
The White Princess by Václav Bedřich)

When I was 18 & living away from home, my mum called me one day and said she'd had a dream where a disembodied voice told her the words 'he's got a lovely sound but he won't even tell us he's here.'

Hearing the words from my mum's dream seemed to switch on a light bulb in my brain, and straight after the call I wrote the song.

Am releasing an EP very soon, with the original version of Meathouse I recorded in my bedroom 11 years ago, but here is the band version.

#rokurokubiband #roseio


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