TOYCON: Celebrating 20 Years of Play documentary

Описание к видео TOYCON: Celebrating 20 Years of Play documentary

There was a dream to tell our story.

Inspired by many such documentaries we watch on our favorite streaming service, we aspired to capture what it was that made the past twenty years truly special. What was the magic that made our little club house toy gathering the biggest pop culture event in the country?

It took some doing, and we had absolutely no budget for it, but due to the determination and dedication of a special group of people, namely our friends from FPS Media, and all our community members who contributed their time, memories and effort to show up for very quick shoots and share their photos and their stories, we wove together the story of TOYCON for its first 20 Years. And just like the event, this documentary is MAGIC.

We hope you enjoy it, and realize that you are all part of the magic.
Here’s to the next twenty years!



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