Practical Lighting (How to Use an Analog Light Meter) 使用一個測光表

Описание к видео Practical Lighting (How to Use an Analog Light Meter) 使用一個測光表
上一部教學性短片我有用了一個測光表來比較不同的燈泡的亮度。有人問我可不可以教怎麼用測光表。如果要拍攝獨立電影用錄影機拍會比較便宜,所以拍獨立電影的人很少會用測光表通常是用底片拍的人才需要 。

The last video I made about using household light bulbs for your low-budget movies had a light meter in it and someone asked me how it worked. Light meters would usually not be used for something more low budget because your probably going to be shooting on video and light meters are used to measure the light needed to properly expose film.

如果有一天你想換底片拍攝,測光表是一個非常重要的器材。正確使用光表就會知道攝影機的光圈要開多大(看你的 "f-stop")。

However if one day you do decide to shoot a few rolls of film (and develop it in your bathtub or whatever) you'll need to use light meter before you even start rolling to make sure you set your aperture to the correct "f-stop".


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