Community Of Images- A Youth Response!

Описание к видео Community Of Images- A Youth Response!

PhillyCAM partnered with the Collaborative Cataloging Japan and Japan America, Society of Greater Philadelphia, who presented the exhibition “Community of Images: Japanese Moving Image Artists in the US, the 1960s-1970s,” at the Philadelphia Art Alliance from June 14–August 9, 2024.

“Community of Images” explores experimental moving images created by Japanese artists and their connections to North America. Covering a wide range of practices and themes–including avant-garde film, performance, design and healing, ecology, expanded cinema, independent documentary, music, race, feminism, video art, community-based video, technology and communication, and others — the exhibition and related programs highlight works and activities that took place in Japan and the US.

Over 2 days, we hosted a group of high school students on a gallery talk and tour and then created short media responses to the work they had seen.

The final compilation includes works by:
Liya Davis-Jones
Kaya Perelman
Mei Perelman
Margaret Hering
Isabelle Senat

More info about the exhibition can be found here:


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