You Have 3 Items. Survive.

Описание к видео You Have 3 Items. Survive.

Let's say you are in a situation where you are almost certain to die. You were given 3 items to choose from to increase your chance of survival.
You are running out of time! You need to make that split-second decision. Will you be able to make the right choice?

Also, how would your life change after surviving death?
If you are reading this description, would you like to put in the comment how your life would change from the one you are currently living? I am really curious :3

Here are the articles you could read about the survivors of the above near-death experiences:
Angela Hernandez:

Harrison Okenee:

Mauro Prosperi:

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Sharlene   / lenelee_  

Line art:
Yuko   / yuyukoo  
Kahi   / coniforestry  

Yuko   / yuyukoo  
Charmeine    / @charmeine  

Charmeine    / @charmeine  



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