Map of the Thailand - Burma Railway: Part 6 - Nikke to Apalon

Описание к видео Map of the Thailand - Burma Railway: Part 6 - Nikke to Apalon

This video is the 6th in an 8-part series which plots the accurate trace of the historic Thailand - Burma Railway over the current Google Earth landscape. This video follows the railway for 50.22km from Nikke to Apalon.

This series of videos will only cover the railway itself - the railway tracks, stations and bridges. Camps, cemeteries and other features will be covered in a second series of videos in the future.

A few things to note:
1) This video shows the railway as it was in late 1944 and early 1945. It was constantly evolving, with new sections being laid and other sections abandoned or rerouted. There were possibly other sidings, spur tracks and such along the railway, which were concealed or camouflaged and are not shown in this map.
2) Rivers have changed course over the last 80 years (especially through Kanchanaburi) and the position of bridges etc. reflect where the rivers were in WW2.
3) Some bridges are not placed on the map, because their exact position is unknown.
4) Google Earth imagery is constantly changing, and I may update these videos as better imagery becomes available. It is currently especially bad around the Lintin area. It's worth noting that Google's imagery never perfectly overlays over the previous iteration, and always shifts a bit.

If you are interested in exploring sections of the railway, you will find these videos helpful.
Takanun:    • Takanun : Exploring the Thailand - Bu...  
Kinsaiyok:    • Kinsaiyok : Exploring the Thailand - ...  
Hellfire Pass:    • Hellfire Pass : Exploring the Thailan...  
Bridge on the River Kwai:    • The Bridge on the River Kwai : Explor...  
Nikke:    • Nikke : Exploring the Thailand - Burm...  
Tampii:    • Tampii : Exploring the Thailand - Bur...  
Tarso:    • Tarso : Exploring the Thailand - Burm...  
Wampo Viaduct:    • Wampo : Exploring the Thailand - Burm...  
Kannyu:    • Kannyu : Exploring the Thailand - Bur...  
Tonchan North:    • Tonchan North : Exploring the Thailan...  
The Tonchan Bridges:    • The Tonchan Bridges : Exploring the T...  

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