International Math Olympiad, IMO 2023, Problem 2

Описание к видео International Math Olympiad, IMO 2023, Problem 2

I solve problem 2 from the 2023 International Math Olympiad. This is a problem on Eucledean Geometry. I discuss the process by which I obtain the solution, what I tried, what worked and what did not work for me.

IMO Problems:    • IMO, The International Mathematical O...  

Putnam Problems:    • Putnam Math Competition  

IMO 2023:
Problem 1:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2023...  
Problem 2:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2023...  
Problem 4:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2023...  
Problem 5:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2023...  

IMO 2022:
Problem 2:    • International Mathematical Olympiad, ...  

IMO 2021:
Problem 1:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2021...  
A1:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2021...  
A2:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2021...  
A3:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2021...  
C1:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2021...  

IMO 2020:
Problem 2:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2020...  

IMO 2019:
N2:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 2019...  

IMO 1961:
Problem 1:    • International Math Olympiad, IMO 1961...  


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