Learn the 100 Most Common Chinese Characters Part I: 1-50 ,

Описание к видео Learn the 100 Most Common Chinese Characters Part I: 1-50 ,

Welcome to our beginner Mandarin lesson!

Have you ever wondered what the most common Chinese characters are? In a language of approximately 50,000 individual characters, mastering the most commonly used Chinese characters—and knowing their order of frequency—will benefit you along your path to language greatness.

Whether you’re a new learner ready to begin reading and writing Chinese or a seasoned student brushing up on the basics, learners of all levels benefit from reviewing the most essential Chinese characters. The following list of 100 most common Chinese characters In this video, we'll help you learn the 100 most common Chinese characters, essential for anyone starting their journey into Mandarin. Mastering these characters will lay a solid foundation for your Chinese language learning journey. Each character will be accompanied by its Pinyin, English translation, and three examples to help reinforce your understanding.

Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to brush up on your Mandarin skills, this video is perfect for you. Follow along as we guide you through each character, providing you with useful examples that you can immediately apply to your language practice.

1 的 de (possessive particle), of / really and truly / aim, clear
2 一 yī / yì /yí one / single / a(n)
3 是 shì is, are, am, yes to be
4 不 bù (negative prefix) no, not
5 了 le/liǎo / to know, to understand, to know
6 人 rén man, person, people
7 我 wǒ I, me, myself
8 在 zài (located) at, in, exist
9 有 yǒu to have, there is, there are, to exist, to be
10 他 tā he, him
11 这 zhè this/ these
12 为 wéi / wèi act as, take…to be, to be, to do,
13 之 zhī him, her, it
14 大 dà big, huge, large, major, great, wide,
15 来 lái to come
16 以 yǐ to use, take, according to, because of, in order to
17 个 gè (a measure word), individual
18 中 zhōng within, among, in, middle, center,
19 上 shàng above, on, over, top, (go) up, last, previous
20 们 men plural marker
21 到 dào to (a place), until (a time), up to, to go, to arrive
22 说 shuō to speak, to say
23 国 guó country, state, nation
24 和 hé / huò and, together, with, peace / harmony
25 地 de / dì -ly / earth, ground, field, place, land
26 也 yě too, also, as well
27 子 zǐ child, son
28 时 shí time, when, hour, period, season
29 道 dào direction, way, method, road, path, principle, truth
30 出 chū to go out, to come out, to occur,
31 而 ér and, as well as, but (not), yet
32 要 yào / yāo vital, to want, to be going to,
33 于 yú at, in, in regard to
34 就 jiù at once, then, right away, only, just
35 下 xià below, under, (go) down, next
36 得 dé / de / děi obtain, get, gain,
37 可 kě can, may, able to, certain(ly),
38 你 nǐ you
39 年 nián year
40 生 shēng to be born, to give birth, life, to grow
41 自 zì from, self, oneself, since
42 会 huì can, able, meet, meeting, society, union, party
43 那 nà that, those
44 后 hòu back, behind, rear, afterwards, after, later
45 能 néng can, may, capable, energy, able
46 对 duì couple, pair, to be opposite, t
47 着 zhe verb particle marking a continuing progress/state
48 事 shì matter, thing, item, work, affair
49 其 qí his, her, its, theirs, that, such, it
50 里 lǐ within, inside

please follow the second part with further more 50 characters!
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