Restoring the Light in the Blind Forest (Ori and the Blind Forest) *Ending*

Описание к видео Restoring the Light in the Blind Forest (Ori and the Blind Forest) *Ending*

Hey guys!

so here it is, finally. the last video for Ori and the Blind Forest! This games story line is so amazing and filled with tons of emotion, and I'm glad I was able to bring it to life on my channel!

In the last video we collected the sun stone to enter Mount Horu! and in this video, we do just that, enter the fiery mountain. Once we traversed the mountain and cleansed it's light from its evil, we are once again faced with escaping Korus clutches!

After this, starts the ending cutscene, and it is quite sad! but also very bittersweet, as finally we cleanse the forest and bring the light back. I won't say how it ends with Ori and Kuro, that's just something you'll have to see for yourself!

So that's it guys, the ending to Ori and the Blind Forest, there is a second game called Ori and the Will of Wisps, which I might play and upload but that'll be in the future, I'm just not sure yet when, but for now enjoy this ending and this series, I hope you enjoyed it all and I'll see you guys in the next video! take care and Stay Frosty! ❄️

Game: Ori and the Blind Forest

Mission: Mount Horu

#xbox #gaming #reels #videogames #gamer #games #xboxseriesx #oriandtheblindforest #campaign #walkthrough #playthrough #pcgaming #playstation


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