How to Practice and Master the Tones in Mandarin Chinese

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You have probably heard about Chinese tones. But what’s the difference between a tone (or a group of tones) and intonation? Well, for example, in English, intonation is used both consciously and subconsciously to express attitudes and emotions. In Chinese, on the other hand, tones are used to convey meaning. In other words, if you pronounce a Chinese syllable with one tone and then again with a different tone, you will have uttered two different words with two different meanings!

Keep in mind that Chinese has four basic tones and a neutral tone. In this video, we use the sound or syllable "ma" as an example to provide you with a better idea of these four tones and a neutral tone.

We hope you'll have a better idea of how crucial tones are if you want to intelligibly communicate anything in Chinese. As you hear more and more Chinese, try to listen out for and distinguish the tone of each character. That way, you can imitate not just the sound but also the pitch.


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