No More Fears from black zone, in

Описание к видео No More Fears from black zone, in

hello guys and welcome to another video for solo player , today i will show new strategy for doing solo dungeons tier 6 , 7 and 8 in black zone , with feature not all many people knows about. and if they knows. no will mention that . but No More Fears from black zone, in #albiononline after #landsawakened update . thats huge for all of us .

i went naked to the black zone and enter the dungeon and went out from the dungeon to portal city 100% safe . one even could attack me because i used the protection from the gates buff,

please watch the video and let me what what do you think about this ,
i will update the desperation here always for it can be a good guide for you later , with all thews and trip and trick to do this safe and easy . players will sent any comments this will be added here by their names .
thank you an enjoy

for the new giveaways system :
like the video .
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write your in game name in the comment section down below the video .
the first one will write will take 500 k silver .
the second will take 250 k silver .
the 3rd one will take 150 k silver .
after 24 hours . i will pick 5 winners randomly, will win 100 k
after 48 hours , another 5 winner randomly picked ,will get 100 k silver for each player ,
so you will have 2 chances to win the giveaway even if you were offline when i upload any video . i guess this is better and fair for everyone .


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