How nuclear fusion works (1) - fusors, thermonuclear reactions, lattice fusion

Описание к видео How nuclear fusion works (1) - fusors, thermonuclear reactions, lattice fusion

An introduction to basic concepts in nuclear fusion: explaining the most common reactions, why beam-target approaches including fusors can't produce electricity and the lattice fusion approach discovered by NASA.

00:00 - Introduction
00:34 - Binding Energy
01:28 - Cross sections
04:09 - Beam-target fusion
07:13 - Thermonuclear fusion
12:26 - Lattice fusion
13:36 - Cold fusion
14:06 - Wrap-up

[1] Delorean DMC-12 with doors closed by Kevin Abato
[2] S. Atzeni and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, “The Physics of Inertial Fusion” (OUP, 2009). ISBN: 9780199568017
[3] Data also available from:
[4] Patent US3386883A by Philo T. Farnsworth
[5] Cross section diagram of the solar interior by Kelvin Ma (User: Kelvin13)
[8] Joint European Torus interior, EUROfusion
[10] M. Nagel et al. “Cryogenic commissioning, cool down and first magnet operation of Wendelstein 7-X”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 171 012050 (2017)
[11] B.N. Sorbom et. al, “ARC: A compact, high-field, fusion nuclear science facility”, Fusion Engineering and Design 100, 378 (2015).
[12] J. E. Menard et al. “Fusion nuclear science facilities and pilot plants based on the spherical tokamak”, Nuclear Fusion 56, 106023 (2016).
[13] B. Steinetz et al. “Novel nuclear reactions observed in bremsstrahlung-irradiated deuterated metals”, Physical Review C 101, 044610 (2020).
[14] V. Pines et al. “Nuclear fusion reactions in deuterated metals”, Physical Review C 101, 044609 (2020).
[15] NASA Goddard Media Studios


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