my honest reaction to Sana's announcement...

Описание к видео my honest reaction to Sana's announcement...

If you didn't know Sana is graduating on the 31st of July and I got that information when I literally woke up and I had no words and made me really sad Sana is going to graduate. To the people who are worried for me I just want to say thanks for worrying but I'm fine don't worry too much! I know we are sad but you heard what Mumei said we need to keep smiling for Sana and we still have some days to hang around her presence and support her so let's cherish these last moments! 💛💛💛

Sana :    / @tsukumosana  
Stream :    / @tsukumosana  
Mumei Stream :    • Variety Mumei Stream  
Art :   / 1546667963784515585  
Sanallite :   / 1484305674548899843  

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