5 Incredible Benefits of Guava Leaf Tea for Weight Loss

Описание к видео 5 Incredible Benefits of Guava Leaf Tea for Weight Loss

In today’s video, we’ll focus on and explore reasons why guava is so effective for weight loss. We discuss how to maximize its guava leaf tea benefits, the side effects of the fruit’s leaves, if any, and how to find other amazing plant-based remedies.

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••••••••••••••• 5 Incredible Benefits of Guava Leaf Tea for Weight Loss •••••••••••••••


Guava leaves help prevent complex carbs from turning into sugar. It is extremely rich in fiber which makes it ideal for weight loss, keeping you satisfied and reduces the number of saturated fats the body absorbs. Its antioxidant properties melt a stubborn kind of body fat known as visceral fat and this consequently promotes fat burning, especially around the waistline and stomach areas. The tea is also excellent at regulating blood sugar as it balances out elevated serum glucose and reduces food cravings. This helps regulate calorie intake, allowing us to eat only when hungry and stay on track to rapid weight loss.


A cup of guava leave tea helps to improve Slow digestion, inhibit bloating, and regulate metabolism in your body to burn fat. Boosting the body's metabolism means that it increases the processing speed of food to energy in the body, leaving little to no room for fat. The Vitamins in the fruit boost the body's energy and then promotes its ability to burn fat passively. It helps you burn more calories than you consume, leading to a calorie deficit and afterwards, progressive fat loss. It may also aid the secretion of digestive enzymes.


Guava leaves help reduce bad cholesterol in the body significantly. Researchers found that combining diet, exercise, and guava leaf tea, decreased insulin resistance, body weight, and cholesterol levels. According to groundbreaking research published by Nutrition and Metabolism, it showed that participants who took guava leaf tea reported lower cholesterol levels and body weight in eight short weeks when compared to individuals who didn’t drink the tea.


Extensive research has linked Guava leaf extracts to a decrease in LDL cholesterol and an increase in HDL cholesterol. This goes a long way in improving heart health and reducing the risk of unregulated blood pressure. By improving your body’s cardiac performance, you consequently improve its overall health, which indirectly means that unhealthy fat has nowhere to stay.


Lack of sleep is one of the leading causes of weight gain because it inhibits the body from functioning properly. A stressed individual tends to accumulate more fat in his body when compared to a calm and happy person and guava leaf tea helps you remain calm and relaxed. It performs its magic when you’re stressed and improves the quality and length of your sleep giving the body enough time to rest and rejuvenate for the task ahead

✅ How can you use guava leaves for weight loss?

Lots of individuals drink guava leaf tea for its many benefits, especially weight loss. They do this either by soaking the leaves in hot water and allowing them to brew or they dry and grind the leaves into powdered form before making it into tea.

Allow us to recommend a powerful superfood that would be excellent for your all-around health. You need to check out Lion's mane, it possesses similar weight loss benefits to guava and much more. Don't know what lion’s mane is, you can check out our other videos also, a link to view the product will be posted in the video description below.

Guava, a tropical fruit that has its origins in Central America, come in numerous varieties and is packed with nutrients. They are a rich source of antioxidants, Vitamin C, A and potassium. Its leaves are rich in protein and fiber while being low in calories.

➤ Disclaimer: The materials and the information contained on Health & Wellness channel are provided for general and educational purposes only and do not constitute any legal, medical or other professional advice on any subject matter. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider.

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