李約瑟科技與文明基金會STEAM教育公開講座 - 改革糧食系統以應對環境污染與氣候變化

Описание к видео 李約瑟科技與文明基金會STEAM教育公開講座 - 改革糧食系統以應對環境污染與氣候變化

The Joseph Needham Foundation for Science and Civilisation Public Lectures on STEAM Education

0:00:00 歡迎辭 / Welcome Speech
0:00:56 李約瑟科技與文明基金會簡介 / Introduction of The Joseph Needham Foundation for Science and Civilisation
0:10:26 講座內容 / Lecture


講者:戴沛權教授 (香港中文大學地球與環境科學系副教授)


讲者:戴沛权教授 (香港中文大学地球与环境科学系副教授)

Food System Transformation to Combat Environmental Pollution and Climate Change
Modern agriculture is one of the major contributors to both climate change and environmental pollution. Substantial quantities of greenhouse gases are released at various stages of food production; nitrogenous compounds released from fertilisers and animal waste also pollute the air and water. This lecture discussed how these issues can be addressed by integrating sustainable farming practices borrowed from ancient wisdom with the enhancement of current technology.

Speaker: Prof. Amos Pui-kuen TAI (Associate Professor, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

講座日期 Lecture Date: 18.12.2024

#李約瑟科技與文明基金會STEAM教育公開講座 #農業 #李约瑟科技与文明基金会STEAM教育公开讲座 #农业
#The_Joseph_Needham_Foundation_for_Science_and_Civilisation_Public_Lectures_on_STEAM_Education #agriculture


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