Aug 19, 2024 | Evening | Live Vedam, Bhajans & Arati | Prasanthi Nilayam

Описание к видео Aug 19, 2024 | Evening | Live Vedam, Bhajans & Arati | Prasanthi Nilayam

August 19, 2024 Evening Session


3:48 - Omkaram
3:59 - Ganapathi Saraswati Prardhana
4:49 - Sri Rudram - Namakam
26:47 - Sri Rudram - Chamakam (3rd Anuvakam)
28:00 - Krimi Nashaka Mantram (Atrina Twa)
29:22 - Namah Somaya Ghanapatha
44:08 - Atma Suktam


49:02 - Omkaram (3 times)
49:34 - Bhajore Bhajore Gananatham Bhajore
54:45 - Jaya Shankara Bhavagochara
59:01 - Kalimala Bhanjana Kodanda Rama
1:03:38 - Devi Bhavani Jagat Janani
1:07:27 - Bhava Sagar Se Par Utharo
1:11:48 - Jaya Nandalala Jai Jai Gopala
1:15:07 - Shankara Sadashiva Sabhapathe Manohara
1:18:25 - Tum Ho Ram Tum Ho Shyam
1:21:31 - Karuna Samudra Sri Rama
1:23:44 - Jai Jai Vitthala Panduranga Vitthala
1:25:49 - Sai Sai Smaran Karo
1:28:02 - Kab Loge Khabar More Ram
1:31:01 - Hey Sesha Shayana Narayana
1:34:02 - Hara Shiva Shankara Bhole Nath
1:36:35 - Arati
1:43:42 - Sai Gayatri

Regular Prasanthi Mandir Schedule (IST)

Veda Chanting: 8:00 am to 9:00 am
Bhajans: 9:00 am – 9:30 am
Mangala Arati & Sai Gayatri

Veda Chanting: 4:30 pm – 5:15 pm
Bhajans: 5:15 pm – 6:00 pm
Mangala Arati & Sai Gayatri

Prasanthi Mandir Vedic chanting schedule is available at

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