Death of the Right Side Garbage - Atari XL/XE demo

Описание к видео Death of the Right Side Garbage - Atari XL/XE demo

demo title: Death of the Right Side Garbage
code: Mono
idea, gfx: Kaz
support: AtariFan, Misza, Mphobic
PTODT 12/2023

(full gfx trick description in Polish here: )

The program displays several high-resolution images measuring 356 pixels wide and 240 pixels high. For the first time in the history of 8bit Atari, 4 additional "junk" pixels on the right side of the screen were used.

This doesn't require any Atari modification, a standard computer is sufficient. However, it may require TV adjustments or a suitable grabber or scan doubler to show the wider Atari screen. The screen is displayed correctly also in the Altirra emulator (View - Overscan Mode - Extended option must be set).

Use SPACE BAR for the next screens. Enjoy!

video shows 4 different recordings from:
1) 00:00 start
2) 00:22 Altirra 4.20 emulator
(PAL, Altirra pallette),
3) 02:37 real Atari with VBXE
(FX core, PAL, Altirra pallette)
and Medusa scandoubler,
4) 06:48 real Atari with VBXE
(GTIA core, PAL, Altirra pallette)
and Medusa scandoubler,
5) 10:28 real stock Atari
and Medusa scandoubler.

video: Kaz, Misza, Mphobic
music: Mphobic, title: Friday
Wrocław 02/01/2024
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