Heretic - Episode 1,2,3,4,5 Smite-Meister Speedruns

Описание к видео Heretic - Episode 1,2,3,4,5 Smite-Meister Speedruns

Runner: Zero-Master
Date: 2021-05-01 to 2021-05-04
IWAD: Heretic.wad
Category: SM-Speed
Map: Episode 1,2,3,4,5
Source Port: DSDA-Doom v0.18.0
Time: 5:39, 6:16, 7:58, 7:04, 9:30

Episode 1 (City of the Damned): 0:00
Episode 2 (Hell's Maw): 6:02
Episode 3 (The Dome of D'Sparil): 12:38
Episode 4 (The Ossuary): 20:56
Episode 5 (The Stagnant Demesne): 28:19

This video is made from 5 segments, 1 for each episode. Nearly 5 years since I last ran a game that wasn't doom, which of course was Hexen, so here is the prequel: Heretic. Spent a few days on this, heretic records are pretty weak so there is still a lot of time to be saved. Played episode 4 and 5 for the first time 1-2 days ago too, though I've played episode 1-3 before a few times like 10 and 20 years ago or something like that.

Normally you carry 1 of every item in your inventory to the next level with the exception of Wings of Wrath, since the wings can be used to sequence break several levels. There is however a glitch that allows you to keep them which is if you still have Wing of Wrath active while you have them in your inventory. So this is used to save a lot of time on episode 1,4 and 5. This is also why I go through the secret level in episode 5 as it is faster despite taking nearly 2 minutes.

Demos and videos are made by using the new DSDA-Doom sourceport which now supports heretic, thanks to Kraflab for making that happen.

Some level comments:
E1M1: I try to avoid taking too much damage here and grab some extra arrows for the next level.
E1M5: Absolutely awful exit, thought I hit the switch, but I didn't.. twice. Otherwise time was ok, got blocked a bit in the tunnel.
E1M6: I should look into just getting the undead warrior to walk out, I tried to just push him, but it didn't work this time so time is slow.
E2M3: Missed the blue key bump a few times.. I grab the 200 armor for the next level.
E2M4: Think I could have saved a second by skipping the tome of power. The phenoix rod jump works like 50% of the time, no time to set it up.
E2M6: Wings of wrath are pretty good here.
E2M8: Can save a second if you grab the wings at the end, but I was on the wrong side.
E3M6: I don't think I need the Ring of Invincibility secret, I just blindly followed what someone else does. Dragon claw + Tome of Power does the job really well here.
E3M8: Need to be careful of linedef skips at the start. This boss is a complete nightmare for speedruns, got a decent time here I think.
E4M1: Difficult level, but doesn't take too many attempts to get through.
E4M5: SR50 setup for the blue key grab, a bit slow, but so is everything else at the moment. Chaos device used to save a bit of time after grabbing the wings.
E4M6: Should have looked into a setup for the green key grab.
E4M7: A consistent green key grab setup, messed up my inputs a bit though.
E4M8: Also didn't quite get the hang of my inputs here, everything was a bit slow.
E5M1: One of the hardest levels in heretic, got a good time here compared to what I normally get.
E5M2: Just run through and spam hell staff.
E5M3: New route for ep5 here by doing a glide. The jump to the phenoix rod is quite easy.
E5M9: Nearly 2 minutes spent just to get some Wings of Wrath for the next level, amazing that this saves time overall.
E5M5: You can save a second by using the wings immediately, but I just take it safe to make sure I don't run out before the level is over.
E5M6: Grabbing the wings is a bit dangerous.
E5M8: Awful time, lost over 20 seconds to really bad flame thrower use. I have no idea what previous runs were doing here, it's clearly faster to use the dragon claw powered, I think under 2 minutes is doable if you can get good flamethrower at the start. Obviously getting them close to the wall makes it a lot easier, I just messed up really bad here.

Thanks for watching!


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