PinkInk || Famous || Animated Musicvideo

Описание к видео PinkInk || Famous || Animated Musicvideo

A&G 5th Semester Project

Three teenagers dream of stardom in a 2-minute animated music video that celebrates the vibrant visual design of the 2000s

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Want the full 00s trip? Dont you worry, we have you covered
   • 00s  

The project aims to capture the essence of teenagerhood through a visually and sonically distinctive experience inspired by 2000s teen movies and cartoons. It follows three young characters forming a band, reflecting the mix of passion, rebellion, and carelessness of adolescence. The animation contrasts the real world with the limitless world of imagination. It seeks to evoke nostalgia for the 2000s era targeting mainly young adults who grew up during this era while resonating with a broader audience, emphasizing that happiness and creativity don't require much. The project celebrates simplicity and personal creativity in animation, diverging from the sophisticated trends in the industry.


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