Bandhas | Tribandhas | Yoga | Jalandhar Bandha | Uddiyana Bandha | Mula Bandha | Maha Bandha |

Описание к видео Bandhas | Tribandhas | Yoga | Jalandhar Bandha | Uddiyana Bandha | Mula Bandha | Maha Bandha |

The bandhas are essential to work towards the main goal of Hatha Yoga, the awakening of our subtle energy, the so-called Kundalini.

Bandhas in yoga is an art of locking certain areas of the body so we can manipulate energy running around those specific areas. Energy manipulation within the body becomes possible only by the flow of prana (life energy).

Bandha - The Yogic practices that lead to the activation of energy in certain specific parts of the body, with the help of the contraction on some muscle fibres, that accelerates the functions of all organs attached to that area.

It results in the concentration of the energy in the perineum area, which can produce the effect of opening the Sushumna nadi, the central channel of the vital energy. That makes it possible to awaken the Kundalini.
1.Activates all the organs of the area, where Bandha is applied.
2. Stimulates all glands of the endocrine system 1.
3. Calms the brain and strengthens our emotions.
4. Keeps the spine healthy.
5. Strengthens the autonomic nervous system 2 and parasympathetic nervous system 3.
6. Helps in Kundalini Awakening
7. Stimulates Mooladhara (root), Manipura (heart), and Vishuddhi (throat) Chakra.
8. It helps to purify the body and mind.

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