【蔥油雞】保留原味! 可能係近年最好食嘅版本...睇咗先講 !!!皮爽肉滑 家中複製!! 教你簡單蒸滑雞 😉👍 Steamed Chicken with Scallion Garlic Sauce

Описание к видео 【蔥油雞】保留原味! 可能係近年最好食嘅版本...睇咗先講 !!!皮爽肉滑 家中複製!! 教你簡單蒸滑雞 😉👍 Steamed Chicken with Scallion Garlic Sauce



終於明白點解去合時食飯,冇乜必要就叫隻蒜香蔥油淋雞 @_@ ! 多謝權哥隔空教授!難怪keep住拎米芝蓮推介...!

雞 1隻
海鹽 1湯匙
蒜蓉 4粒
乾蔥頭 5粒
蔥 大量
薑 適量
糖 1/4茶匙
辣椒仔 少許

#蔥油雞 #蒸雞 #食譜

Steamed Chicken with Scallion and Garlic Sauce

To make things short, it's probably one of the best steamed chicken recipe so far. It's so easy and can be replicated at home without hassle. Let me show you how to cook a tender and silky steamed chicken in a traditional way. With the sauce I taught in this video, you will bring out the flavour to another level! You will definitely fall in love with this chicken!

1 chicken
1 tablespoon sea salt
4 minced garlic
5 shallots
lots of green onions
Ginger to taste
Chinese Wine (Xiang Jing)
1/4 teaspoon sugar
chilli 1pc


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