Sri Aurobindo - The Golden Light - Guided Meditation

Описание к видео Sri Aurobindo - The Golden Light - Guided Meditation

A guided meditation of 20 minutes on Sri Aurobindo's sonnet The Golden Light.
Every quatrain is separated by about 5 minutes of music to allow yourself to get in deep touch with the living words of Sri Aurobindo.

Full text is given below:

The Golden Light

Thy golden Light came down into my brain
And the grey rooms of mind sun-touched became
A bright reply to Wisdom’s occult plane,
A calm illumination and a flame.

Thy golden Light came down into my throat,
And all my speech is now a tune divine,
A paean-song of thee my single note;
My words are drunk with the Immortal’s wine.

Thy golden Light came down into my heart
Smiting my life with Thy eternity;
Now has it grown a temple where Thou art
And all its passions point towards only Thee.

Thy golden Light came down into my feet:
My earth is now thy playfield and thy seat.


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