Rotmg: How I Got My Revenge On Trumi, The Hardest Boss of Realm

Описание к видео Rotmg: How I Got My Revenge On Trumi, The Hardest Boss of Realm

   • Rotmg: Lvl 1, 200 HP, Gearless, Petle...  
   • Rotmg: zero flaming umi while yappers...  

Shoutout to all the gamers I met during my time in fire bomb, I was so shit at the game when I joined the guild, I hadn't even gotten my first character to 8/8 yet and when the guild potted up a pally to 8/8 for me I literally died no more than 2 minutes later, hell it took me almost 20 tries to even complete a nest and this was only December of 2023, a little over a year ago when I had returned to the game after not playing since I was a kid, to here I am now as a night prince. I told myself after I had died with my first book that if I ever got a second book I was gonna become a cheater and get autonexus just for my trumi runs so I could never feel like such a bozo again. I thought I was actually going to cheat this shit all the way up till I got both pages on christmas day when I realized that I would hate myself if I actually cheated for completion. GG to all the gamers who ran a million moonlights with me on the hunt for my pages, especially RedRider, spoonfed ass motherfucker for every shiny. Also shoutout to themstink vids, the only realm videos I still watched even while not playing the game cause of how entertaining the deaths and tomfoolery is, heavily reminds me of my self xd.


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