Uwell Crown 2 Update and New Coils | Frank Discussion

Описание к видео Uwell Crown 2 Update and New Coils | Frank Discussion

Uwell Crown 2 Update and New Coils | Frank Discussion
New coils arrived July 5th along with the Black Anodized Crown2
I broke down, cleaned and juiced 2 Stainless tanks and the new Black tank to try out all 3 coils.
They are fine, the flavor is awesome, so far after 2-3 days vaping on them at all wattage ranges the flavor is excellent and I have no issues, no flavor changes, Uwell newest coils are fine.
I will say this: Keep it at low to mid range wattage for the coil for the first few tanks and then as you taste the coil really smooth out, increase wattage a bit at a time. So for example the .25 coils I broke in from 30 scaling up to 60 watts and then found the tank and vape a bit hot above 60. After my 3rd complete tank, during my 4th tank full of juice, I noticed the tank vaping super smooth and increased the wattage to 65, then 70, then 75, then 80. It vaped awesome at 80, good but a bit hot up to 100, and I'm back down now to 70 Watts on the .25 ohm coil. And the other coils according to their wattage range are performing similarly.
The tank breaks in quickly, takes maybe 8-10 hits to full flavor. You will have cotton break-in taste in the beginning. So maybe do short quick purging exhales for the first few hits. Lengthening the hits as you progress, and increasing wattage in stages as you progress.
Whatever they changed with these new coils seems to me, to be the best flavor yet. I will keep posted if there is any change.

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (   / editor  )


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