八大竜王は、天龍八部衆に所属する竜族の八王。法華経に登場し、仏法を守護する。 霊鷲山にて十六羅漢を始め、諸天、諸菩薩と共に、水中の主である八大竜王も幾千万億の眷属の竜達とともに釈迦の教えに耳を傾けた。釈迦は「妙法蓮華経」の第二十五 観世音菩薩普門品に遺されているように「観音菩薩の御働き」を説きました。
Twitter / acala24884
インスタグラム / ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
◆(聞き流しお経)約2分半◆毘沙門天の御加護◆人前に出る前、出社前、バイト、学校等 面倒くさい人間関係を断ち切る 調伏の真言 真言密教
• 【即効果大】面倒な人間関係解消◆毘沙門天の加護を頂いて下さい◆人前に出る前...
◆【錫杖経】1日の始まりに聞き邪気を払う/聞き流すだで大丈夫です #調子が悪い時聞くお経 #落ち込んでいる時 #メンタル
• 【すぐに聞いて下さい】邪気因縁供養効果強力【幸運を呼込む】あなたにまとわり...
• ◆聞き流し◆生霊退散◆他の動画で効果が得られない時観てください◆秘法密教鳴...
• 【超強力】結界を張り生霊、死霊を跳ね返す【結界法】行者が本格的に作法してま...
• 【絶対聞いてください】金剛蔵王大権現・八百万之神・神仏に本日1日守護しても...
• 【不思議です絶対見てください】財・金運・人間関係・土地神|龍王神祝詞+真言...
• 因縁切りです絶対見て下さい【聞流すだけで浄化する】禊(みそぎ)の滝【1時間...
• 【朗報】これを見るとあなたの左右を神が離れない【不動明王と五大明王、三十六...
We pray that the viewers, including the [Dragon God Celebration], which is considered the land god, water god, and god of wealth, will be blessed with good luck in money. We pray for good fortune.
The "Dragon God" is a kind of divine beast, a being with the power to increase luck in money, work, and relationships.
The eight great dragon kings are the eight kings of the dragon tribe belonging to the eight divisions of the Tenryu. He appears in the Lotus Sutra and protects Buddhism. The eight great dragon kings, who are the lords of the underwater world, along with the sixteen arhats, celestial beings, and bodhisattvas, listened to the teachings of the Buddha along with hundreds of millions of other dragons. The Buddha taught "The Work of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva," as bequeathed in the Twenty-fifth Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Fumon-Paramita of the "Myoho-Renge-Kyo.
It is all right to listen to it.
I pray for the blessings of the Dragon God for your financial fortune.
My name is Hide, and I was ordained in 1997 as a disciple of Denpo Dai-ajari at Koyasan Shingon Sect's then Director Inaba-sama's Koyasan head temple, Bekkaku-honzan. Since then, I have practiced asceticism in the mountains, in the fields, and in various other places, and have been practicing daily so that I can borrow the power to help others from the gods and Buddha. Although my voice is still not very good at reading sutras, I am proud to say that my attitude of praying to the gods and Buddha is second to none. Although I am still a novice, I have been practicing all over the country and have been exorcising people in various places.
If you have any inquiries, please send me a message on Twitter or Insta DM.
Twitter / acala24884
Instagram / ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆
◆(Kikiyoshi sutra) about 2.5 minutes ◆Bishamonten no Gozan ◆Before going out in public, before going to work, part-time job, school, etc. Troublesome relationships can be cut off Mantra of Shobushi, Shingon Esoteric Buddhism
• 【即効果大】面倒な人間関係解消◆毘沙門天の加護を頂いて下さい◆人前に出る前...
◆[Tathagata Sutra] - listen to this sutra at the beginning of the day to ward off evil spirits.
• 【すぐに聞いて下さい】邪気因縁供養効果強力【幸運を呼込む】あなたにまとわり...
The sutra is a very powerful and effective way to get rid of the evil spirits.
• ◆聞き流し◆生霊退散◆他の動画で効果が得られない時観てください◆秘法密教鳴...
The sutras chanted by Esoteric Shingon practitioners.
• 【超強力】結界を張り生霊、死霊を跳ね返す【結界法】行者が本格的に作法してま...
◆Prayers to ask for protection today for one day by 8,000,000 gods and gods and Buddha.
• 【絶対聞いてください】金剛蔵王大権現・八百万之神・神仏に本日1日守護しても...
◆Fortune, Money, Relationships, Land Gods|Ryuo-jin Shujin Shujin + Shingon 108 times|We pray hard for our viewers.
• 【不思議です絶対見てください】財・金運・人間関係・土地神|龍王神祝詞+真言...
Misogi waterfall/ 120 minutes of purification of body and soul
• 因縁切りです絶対見て下さい【聞流すだけで浄化する】禊(みそぎ)の滝【1時間...
◆[Kikiyasuri sutra] I will be protected by Fudo Myoo, Godai Myoo and 36 Vajradhara children when I go out [sutra chanted by Shingon Esoteric Buddhism practitioners].
• 【朗報】これを見るとあなたの左右を神が離れない【不動明王と五大明王、三十六...
#financial fortune
#money matters
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