Importance of neem for managing skin diseases in Ayurveda - Dr. Sharad Kulkarni

Описание к видео Importance of neem for managing skin diseases in Ayurveda - Dr. Sharad Kulkarni

Neem or nimber, what we call in Ayurveda is a very good herb when it comes to skin disorders. As such it is very good for all the disorders and overall immunity of the body. But we it comes to skin disorders neem stands almost among the top level of the herbs. the leaved which are cleansed after collecting can be boiled and the decoction of it can be used as per the advise of the Ayurvedic doctor and if it is used in any kind of skin disorder then it will definitely have a good result on the skin. It mainly acts on the pitta and the kapha dosha in the body and it also acts as an antimicrobial agent. Neem oil or neem used in the form of the oil is one of the best remedies for many of the skin disorders or where the imbalance in the pitta and the kapha can be corrected very easily. Due to its taste it also acts on the digest disorders and acts as a best deworming agent if it is used on regular basis. Many of the skin disorders of modern science are placed under one heading in Ayurveda called as kushta. So neem or nimber if used methodically under supervision, definitely will prove better and help in healing many of the skin disorders if used on a regular basis and on a right manner.


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