3 Types of Rodan /Godzilla Singular point/ Strength and weakness Explained!

Описание к видео 3 Types of Rodan /Godzilla Singular point/ Strength and weakness Explained!

Hey Folks, welcome to Diskkover, In Godzilla singular point,we got to see three difeerent kinds of Rodan, in this video we will explain all the 3 different kinds of rodan, including their strength, abilities and weaknesses ,so what are we waitng for, lets Start!!
First form
A single Rodan appeared flying in the Chiba prefecture during the Summer Monster Festival. Perching on a billboard until it collapsed under the kaiju's weight, the Rodan fell to the ground, landing nearby several fleeting humans as it got up;,this is the 1st form,This incarnation of Rodan has a physique closely resembling a real pterosaur, sporting a large head and walking on its wings. The juvenile Rodan's beak is long and curves upward towards the tip, and its inside is completely covered in teeth, which can be seen on the upper beak even when the mouth is fully closed. In between the top and bottom of the upper beak is a row of uniform blue scales starting a quarter of the way from the tip and ending at the eye. On the back of its head is a singular, Pteranodon-like crest, covered in a yellow and white pattern which runs along its back to the end of its long tail. Along Rodan's long neck is a blue dewlap, where the color spreads along the bottom jaw and lower beak. On its forehead, back, and tail are blue fins, with blood veins running up each one. Along its chest are rows of spikes which come to an end along its stomach. Rodan is mainly light red, with the previously mentioned blue highlights and white and yellow back patterning.

Second form
Adult Rodans are brown, with the back patterning becoming mainly white and blue highlights being dark red. The beaks on these Rodans are straight, with similar but unexposed teeth. The keratin of the head envelops most of the head, only stopping at the back of the head and beginning of the neck. The scales leading up to the eye start three quarters up the beak. These Rodans lack fins on their heads, instead they have a crest that starts on the head and ends in the traditional double crests.

Third form
In the anime's tenth episode ,as Godzilla Terrestris continue its rampage through Tokyo, a larger, shadow-like Rodan emerges from the buildings and charges at the Kaiju, only for Godzilla to kill it with a concentrated mouth-beam.
. Despite resembling the second form, its body has a loftier build and a pitch black monochrome coloration, with the blotches much dimmer and patterned with bright speckles or flints, additionally emitting a smoke-like substance around itself. The narrow cavity on its face is now pale gray. Additionally, it is seen generating what appears to be heat from its mouth.
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