Chip's Challenge 2 Crazy II (LAST LEVEL) scorerun: 3,892,100 points

Описание к видео Chip's Challenge 2 Crazy II (LAST LEVEL) scorerun: 3,892,100 points

So this is the last level of Chip's Challenge 2 and man, is it simultaneously really easy to get a good score on and the hardest level in the game. To start things off, solving the level requires solving 1 red key sokoban, 1 yellow key sokoban, 1 blue key sokoban, and 1 green key sokoban (out of 7, 7, 5 and 7 available).

That was too easy, so each of the 26 sokobans have a 1K point flag and a chip associated. So now the best score requires solving all 26-there's a x2 behind a socket.


There are 5 concurrently running timers in this level: 1900 seconds, 800 seconds, 700 seconds and 600 seconds long. The 5th I'll explain later. Each of those seal off another x2 flag behind another socket when they tick over, with the 600 also sealing off a pile of 1K flags and another x2. This brings the score for the level up to just over 1.9 million, with the level bonus added in.


Yeah. This is where things get nasty.

Originally (pre-release version) the timer lasted over 3 years. Come release, it would take pi days to overflow. Thankfully, I discussed it with Chuck Somerville and for 1.08 (there's been a lot of updates to fix compatibility issues) this timer was dropped to pi hours long.

What does this timer do? It opens up a toggle door. Behind this toggle door are 2 +time pickups and a x2 flag.

So let's run through what this level demands:
- Knowing the solution for 26 different sokoban puzzles offhand
- The ability to execute them all within 10 minutes (and have time to pick up the flags!)
- 3 hours of idle time after that for the toggle door wait
- Not choking the 10 second run to the end after the final doubling.

This is by far the largest score obtainable in CC2: I've tested in the editor and it caps at 9,999,999 bonus, and no other level comes close to this many bonuses and doublings.


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