Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) Tutorial

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The Triangle Pose or Trikonasana stretches and strengthens the legs, arms, ankles, shoulders, sides of the torso and abdomen. It can also improve digestion. The Triangle Pose can be done by:

1. Start by standing tall with your arms relaxed at your sides.

2. Take a big step back to the right and place your right foot pointing forwards and your left foot pointing out to the left side. Try to align both heels with each other and balance your weight equally across both legs.

3. Ground through your feet, as you start to open your right hip and reach both arms out to the sides.

4. Lengthen and engage the abdominal muscles as you reach your right arm forward. From here reach your right arm down towards your right shin bone or right big toe. Keep lengthening and extending the left side of your torso as you reach your left arm up towards the ceiling.

5. Extend both your arms away from the heart and allow your left shoulder to open. Try to keep both arms as straight as possible and if it feels comfortable for your neck to start to look up towards your left fingertips. Keeping the chin slightly tucked into the chest. If you start to lose your balance you can keep the gaze looking down.

6. Keep pressing into your feet, rolling your right hip back, drawing the belly in and allowing both sides of the torso to extend forward.

7. Stay here for at least five long and deep breaths.

8. To release, press firmly into your feet and use the strength of your abdomen to come back to standing again. From here, step your right foot back next to the left and then repeat on the left side.

9. Take a big step back to the left and place your left foot pointing forwards and your right foot pointing out to the right side. Try to align both heels with each other and balance your weight equally across both legs.

10. Ground through your feet, as you start to open your right hip and reach both arms out to the sides.

11. Lengthen and engage the abdominal muscles as you reach your left arm forward. From here, reach your left arm down towards your left shin bone or left big toe. Keep lengthening and extending the left side of your torso as you reach your left arm up towards the ceiling.

12. Extend both your arms away from the heart and allow your right shoulder to open. Try to keep both arms as straight as possible and, if it feels comfortable for your neck, start to look up towards your left fingertips. Keeping the chin slightly tucked into the chest. Again, if you start to lose your balance you can keep the gaze looking down.

13. Keep pressing into your feet, rolling your right hip back, drawing the belly in and allowing both sides of the torso to extend forward.

14. Stay here for at least five long and deep breaths.

15. To release, press firmly into your feet and use the strength of your abdomen to come back to standing again. Step from here your left foot back next to the right. Finishing back where you started standing with both feet together.

Read the following cautions to stay safe:

• Be careful with your knees: don’t lock them, and do not rest your upper body weight on the knee by leaning onto it in this pose.

• Always be careful when experiencing low blood pressure or headaches.

• If you have a neck injury, it is important that you do not turn the neck towards the upper hand. Instead, look ahead or down, whatever feels most comfortable for the neck.

• If you are concerned about anything of this pose, please contact your physician on whether this practice is good for you.

• If you have difficulty finding balance, keep your gaze looking down towards your front foot.

• Really press through the feet and activate the legs to make the position easier on the upper body.


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