DO THIS to beat fast opponents!

Описание к видео DO THIS to beat fast opponents!

Football skills tutorial - how to beat fast defenders. In this tutorial video Joltter teaches you how to play against players faster than yourself - and what you can do on the pitch to beat defenders who are faster than you. Being fast is one of the most amazing skills in football and can make you stand out from all the other football players on the pitch, but unfortunately not all of us are naturally fast. Football skills such as speed can of course be trained, but genetics also play a huge role in the amount of pace and speed you can ultimately reach. In this video we look at the most important factors slow players need to keep in mind to beat fast defenders on the pitch and we are sure you will learn a lot watching this football skills tutorial episode - so make sure to pay attention to all the the tips & tricks on how to beat fast defenders, even if you are a slow football player yourself!

In order to beat fast defenders as a slow player, you need to figure out ways to not allow the faster defenders reach their maximum speed - because that way they will always outpace you. To do that, the best way is to try and be in charge of the tempo. Constantly change the pace as you're running with the ball and avoid running in a simple straight line which makes it easier for the defender to keep track of your movements. Pulling off amazing football skills will of course work, but simply being in control of the defender's speed and trying to get him down to your level will help you out a lot. Another important football skill slow players absolutely have to master is the art of timing and positioning. As a slow football player, you are unlikely to beat defenders with your running pace and instead, you have to try and out-smart them. Do everything in your power to be one step ahead of the opponent because even a slow player yourself, if you have the skill of anticipating where the game is going next - you will most likely get to the action first if you start your movement a couple steps before the faster opponent marking you. Make sure to watch the full video and learn awesome football skills and what you can do to beat defenders faster than yourself!

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