How to replace a broken shutter louvre blade or pin - control rod and staple

Описание к видео How to replace a broken shutter louvre blade or pin - control rod and staple

In his video you will learn how to replace a louvre blade or broken pin in a plantation shutter by technical expert Sam Dunster of opennshut.

If you can't replace the blade and you need a new set of shutters, checkout our website -

Take a pair of pliers and carefully pull out the staple in louvre blade. You might need to twist it a little to help you get out

Use a filler knife or something similar, to cut through the narrow part of the plastic pivot and remove the louvre blade, you can see the pivots are just pushed in to the end.

Unpack your spare louvres, these come with pre-punched staple holes in the centre of the blade and pre-drilled holes in the ends for the pivots.

In the repair kit, you will find some long and short pivots and long and short staples.

The small pivot is sprung loaded, this allows you to fit the louvre back into the shutter.

Insert the small pivot into the stile of the shutter and the long pivot into the other end of the louvre,

Fit the louvre back into the shutter, push the tip of pivot in and move the louvre around slightly so you can find the centre of the hole, the pivot will spring out into the hole and secure the louvre in place.

There are two sizes of staples, the large one fits into the louvre and the small one into the control rod.

Hold the staple in your pliers and dab some super glue on the end of the staple, hold the louvre blade straight and carefully insert the staple.

Use the end of the pliers to push the staple in carefully, the staple in the louvre blade goes through the staple in the control rod, so if your changing both, fit the control rod staple first.

If you have painted shutters you can use the touch up paint supplied to re-colour the staple.

And thats how easy it is to replace a louvre blade.

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