Madonna - Live To Tell [Confessions Tour DVD]

Описание к видео Madonna - Live To Tell [Confessions Tour DVD]

This gorgeous masterpiece was performed 16 years later on the Confessions Tour as it's Madonna's most confessional song. First we hear tales of 3 dancers about how they survived tough times and how they ended up dancing professionally. Then, with some organ music, the most talked about moment of the show arrives: a mirrored cross emerges from beneath with Madonna hung up on it. She's wearing a red blouse and velvet pants with a crown of thorns on her head. The whole audience is amazed by that iconic image while she starts her sorrow rendition of the ballad. After the second chorus, the counter above her stops at 12 million (number of children in Africa who die of aids in a year), she climbs off the cross and sings the inspiring bridge as a beautiful acapella. She then takes off her crown of thorns and as the screens behind her show explosions, she lies down on stage as if she's dying, mirroring the fate of those who raise their voices but never get understood. It truly is one of the best performances of her entire career.


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