Proud to be an Action Coach

Описание к видео Proud to be an Action Coach

ActionCOACH is the World's No. 1 Business Coaching Firm with a Vision to create "World Abundance Through Business Re-Education".

Business owners of SMEs are the brave people. They are the ones creating employment in their local communities having taken the risk to follow their dreams. Being in business can be tough...if you're making it up as you go along. Few owners actually have any formal education in running a business. They may be good architects or plumbers but the art of running an architects practise or a plumbing business is different to the act of doing the job itself!

Our philosophy is to that business is the vehicle through which you can have the life you want....but you have to have the right education and the right people to support you.

Our mantra is "Because being in business should give you more life". Is your business giving you the life you planned or is it sucking the life from you?

Get in touch to with Alan Smith at [email protected] or 07972 310997 to discuss your situation further.


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