S8E7 Difference between Undescended and retractile testicles

Описание к видео S8E7 Difference between Undescended and retractile testicles

#malegenitala #malehealth #undescendedtesticle #retractiletesticle
#phimosis #paraphimosis #malegenitals #malediseases #healthcheck101
In these videos I explain in very simple language, anatomy and physiology (working) of different organs in human body. In each season I will select an organ and will talk about most common conditions that affect that part. I will talk about why that condition happens, diagnosis, investigations, complications, treatment and outcome of that disease.
Undescended and retractile testicles are a very common cause of not being able to feel one or both testicles in a child's scrotum. Undescended testicles is a condition which will require surgical treatment where as retractile testicles do not require any treatment and is a harmless condition. In this video I have tried to explain the difference between the two conditions and their diagnosis and treatment.
I hope this video will help many worried parents.


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