Balestier Students' Hostel Introduction

Описание к видео Balestier Students' Hostel Introduction

Balestier Students' Hostel (BSH) was established in 1970 to meet the specific needs of foreign students studying in Singapore. Over the years, we have gained considerable experience taking care of the education and welfare of more than 10,000 foreign students from different countries.

A distinguishing element of BSH is summarized in our Vision: "A Home Away From Home". We look after our students like parents look after their own children. We give them all the help and supervision needed to do well in their studies and we organize talks and activities to nurture their social development. We have developed a programme that has benefitted our students over the years. However, like parents, we are also firm and require disciplined behaviour so that our students will grow up to be independent and socially responsible adults.


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