A Reagan Forum with Greg Gutfeld — 11/16/15

Описание к видео A Reagan Forum with Greg Gutfeld — 11/16/15

Please join us for a lecture and book signing with bestselling author and Fox News Channel host Greg Gutfeld for his new book, How to be Right: The Art of Being Persuasively Correct. (Publish Date: October 27, 2015). Tickets are $54 per person and include a dinner preceding the lecture. Tickets also include tours of the Reagan Museum and Air Force One Pavilion, including the Library’s special exhibits Football! The Exhibition and Christmas Around the World between 4:00 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. Books must be purchased at the Reagan Library’s Museum Store to receive signature. Books may be pre-purchased during the reservation process, register by calling 805-522-2977 or visit http://home.reaganfoundation.org/site....

It's not enough to be right, these days—especially when you're not left. To survive, the right must learn how to express nonliberal principles as effectively as possible, and persuade others of their point of view. It is an art that demands patience, research, humor, understanding, creative thinking, learning from your opponent and even mimicking their tactics.

In How to Be Right, Greg Gutfeld reveals the strategies that have helped him keep a steady job for almost three decades. From “Discard Your Outrage” and “Outcompassion Them” To “Find the Right’s Obama” and “Use your Mom,” Gutfeld gives readers the tools they’ll need to argue, influence, and convince their friends, family and foes throughout the 2016 election cycle.

Greg Gutfeld currently serves as the host of The Greg Gutfeld Show and co-host of The Five on Fox News Channel. He’s also the New York Times bestseller of The Joy of Hate and Not Cool.

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